We had to wake up early today because my license expires tommorrow. I wanted to be at the DMV at 8 am, when they opened, so we wouldn't have to wait as long. On the way there, my gas light goes on. I ignored it and got to the DMV, and we sat in the parking lot for 15 or so minutes. Got SweetPea out, and into the stroller, then got TinyDancer out. Went to the door, and saw a sign that they are closed until Tuesday for President's Day. Great. Did I mention it's like 9 degrees outside?
Get to the gas station, and the credit card machine is giving me a hard time. And I can't find my gloves. Whatever.
Then I realized we forgot all of TinyDancer's Valentine's. So we had to treck back home and get them.
Brought her to school, and she cried at drop off. First time this year. Weird.
We came home, and I was seriously foul, once I walked into the messy house. But then, i found SweetPea in the livingroom, watching Super Why, and she was so cute! I just want to smoosh her little face with tons of kisses. God, i'm so lucky! She's now sitting next to me, eating her raisin's and reading a Berentstain Bears book. The house WILL get cleaned, but there are more pressing matters, like playing with this little muffin!

love that smile! so smooshable!